
7th International Conference for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade
Swanwick, Derbyshire, England, 1949

List of Papers:

Conference Membership
Constitution and Officers
Declaration of Principle and Policy / Retningslinjer for en retf. politik
Bue Bjørner: Can International Trade Problems be solved Intl.?
E. J. Craigie: Message from E. J. Cragie
K.K. Steincke: A Social Democrats Tribute to Henry George (Typed, only)
Frank Dupuis: Practical Statemanship for Great Britain
K.J. Kristensen: Land-Value Taxation in Denmark
A. Daudé-Bancel / Marcel Cortvriend: The Future of Georgeism in France and Belgium 
Rupert Mason: Land Reclamation and Land Tenure in California
V. G. Peterson: The Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, New York
Robert Clancy: Henry George School of Social Science in USA
Baldomero Argento: Capitalism: Its Conception, Origin and Basis
Roberty Major: False Land Reforms in Eastern Europe and in Italy
Jordi Fivaller: The Georgist Movement in Spain
Margaret E. Bateman: The Need for Coo-ordination and Dissemination of Information on a World Scale
Rudolph Schmidt: Starting Anew in Germany
United Committee: Land Values and Local Taxation
United Committee: The Operation of Land-Value Taxation Rating in various Countries
Louis Hirschfeld: A Lonely Campaigner in Tangiers (Typed copy, only)
Viggo Starcke: The History of Land-Taxation in Denmark (Typed copy, only)
Viggo Starcke: Cleanliness is next to Godliness
Declaration of Rights to Land
Newspaper cuttings;
Record of Conference Proceedings