Michael Flürscheim
The Economic and Social Problem
First published 1909
By Jefferson Publishing Company, USA
List of Content
- Progress (see below)
- Chapter I: A Problem and its Solution
- Chapter II: Land
- Chapter III: Money
- Chapter IV: Circulation
- Chapter V: Capital, Capitalism and Interest
- Chapter VI: Democracy
- Chapter VII: Co-Operation
- Chapter VIII: Socialism and Trust
- Chapter IX: Conclusion
The time is ripe, and rotten-ripe, for change;
Then let it come: I have no dread of what
Is called for by the instinct of mankind;
Nor think I that God’s world will fall apart
Because we tear a parchment more or less.
Truth is eternal, but her effluence,
With endless change, is fitted to the hour;
Her mirror is turned forward to reflect
The promise of the future, not the past.
He who would win the name of truly great
Must understand his own age and the next,
And make the present ready to fulfill
Its prophecy, and with the future merge
Gently and peacefully, as wave with wave.
The future works out great men’s purposes;
The present is enough for common souls,
Who, never looking forward, are indeed
Mere clay, wherein the footprints of their age
Are petrified forever; better those
Who lead the blind old giant by the hand
From out the pathless desert where he gropes,
And set him onward in his darksome way.
I do not fear to follow out the truth.
Albeit along the precipice’s edge.
Let us speak plain: there is more force in names
Than most men dream of; and a lie may keep
Its throne a whole age longer, if it skulk
Behind the shield of some fair-seeming name.
Let us call tyrants tyrants, and maintain
That only freedom comes by grace of God.
And all that comes not by His grace must fall;
For men in earnest have no time to waste
In patching fig-leaves for the naked truth.
—James Russell Lowell